KZN Top Business Awards 2015- ENTRIES ARE OPEN2015-05-21 ENTRIES ARE OPEN
Nominations and entries are now open for both business and government sectors. This year, the 9th annual KZN Top Business Awards, Powered by eLan Property Group, will once again acknowledge the achievements of successful companies from across the province. Mark Taylor, CEO of the eLan Property Group said, "eLan Property Group is very proud sponsor of the awards." The judging criteria include the organisation's contribution to the economy of KwaZulu-Natal, and the principles embodied in the 2009 King Report on Corporate Governance (King III). Factors such as brand and reputation, stakeholder relations and goodwill, environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and quality of governance are all taken into account. Businesses can compete across the following categories: • Agriculture • Mining and Quarrying • Manufacturing • Utilities • Construction • Trade • Transport; Storage and Communication • Financial and Business Services • Social and Community Services • Tourism. In addition, a municipal award is given to a district municipality for the promotion of investment and economic growth as well as an award to a government department for a project contributing to socio-economic growth. Full information and entry forms available at
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The closing date for entries is Friday, 30th June 2015 and winners will be announced at a gala event on 21st July at the Greyville Conference Centre Top Brand Award In addition, the public is invited to participate in the judging of the Top Brand Award. This highly popular category is judged solely by public online vote, and is directly linked to public perception. VOTE HERE The winners include organisations that contribute to sustainability and growth of the economy with the key focus on customers, suppliers and most importantly their staff. All nominees will be required to submit an entry as specified in the terms of entry. Companies may nominate themselves. Closing date for nominations is the 25th June 2015 Nominations Queries contact 031 2671977 |