
e African Giant is starting to stir and we as Africans need to embrace this potential and channel it for the good of our Continent. Unproductive priorities, political instability, buoyant economies and policies have led to hardships for the majority of Africans. Africas renaissance, re-generation, rebirth and renewal is not a new concept. It is as old as Africa itself, ever since the era of the slave trade followed by colonisation, Africa has triumphed with varying degrees of success. However, we are faced by the challenges of unemployment, a poor skills base, weak infrastructure and poverty. To overcome these challenges we need to work together by strengthening our strategies towards creating conditions for economic growth in Africa. Our connectivity though should also strengthen our road and rail links effectingsustainable trade corridors from the southern to the northern parts of the Continent,
enabling people to access routes of trade thereby empowering themselves and escaping the manacles of poverty. By so doing, improved people-to-people connectivity will lead to better trade within Africa and its Diaspora. We need new ideas and strategies to explore vast coastline maritime trade towards Africas
development.  The government is rising above the wave of these problems through its Department of Transport.  ere are long-term plans put in place by Transnet to improve our harbours, thereby increasing capacity to meet the demands of the future for Africa. Linked to this is planning for a dry port at
Cato Ridge and road and rail links to upscale the South-North Durban-Free State-Gauteng transport route. Similar developments will be undertaken at Richards Bay to access the coal deposits in Limpopo as well as links to Maputo in Mozambique.

While the role of government is necessary in developing plans and putting policies in place, input from the business sector is pivotal to economic success. We need to partner with business and industry throughout Africa for our plans of connectivity to become a sustainable reality. So let us at this African Renaissance Conference talk to each other and  nd ways forward to develop a win-win solution for Africa. It is up to us to show our will and political courage in order to assure that the African Renaissance continues to provide platforms for robust debate and knowledge sharing. African Renaissance
has become an e cient instrument of creating new avenues for innovative decisions and it should not be viewed as a place of endless discussions with no action.

For our people, especially our youth, to escape poverty they need employment. Infrastructure development creates jobs but these o en require skills. As part of the NDPs Skills Development Plan FET Colleges have been instituted all over South Africa.  they offer a myriad courses plus generous bursary schemes. Like a set of dominoes, once the skills base is li ed, morale will be boosted by the
increase in opportunities, crime will decrease and as a nation we will be able to look forward to living in a growing economy in a safe and secure country free of crime and corruption as envisaged in the National Development Plan.

It is time for the African Giant to rise and play a leading part on the world stage.  e timing of the 15th African Renaissance Conference Connecting Africa, could not be better as Africa celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Organisation of African Union (OAU). While the African Union objectives are beginning to bear fruit, we still need a renewed momentum if we wish to confront
challenges of the modern era head on.  e primary focus of the celebration is on all Africans embarking on providing solutions to the challenges of achieving the main objectives of Pan Africa and the African Renaissance. I am con dent that this years conference will contribute to the expectations of all of us in adding value to Africas Economic Development.

In the context of the above notes, I would like to welcome you all to the 15th African Renaissance Conference Connecting Africa, in KwaZulu-Natal, where experts and senior government representatives will engage in issues of connecting the African Continent, its Diaspora and the relevance of South Africas programmes to the continental agenda.

It is also  tting to thank the African Renaissance Team who have worked tirelessly in making sure that this festival meets your expectations.  We remain committed in staging a memorable gathering of this calibre for many years to come.  ank you, and God Bless Us All.