Organisations that recognise that diversity and inclusion as a business necessity...


Many organisations are experiencing a degree of difficulty in reaching their Employment Equity targets with regard to people with disability, despite concert efforts.

DWDE is hosting a disability sensitization and awareness seminar. This seminar is exclusively aimed at equipping employers with practical business information and the latest global trends that will help them to successfully employ and retain people with disabilities.

Who should be attending?

Organisations that recognise that diversity and inclusion as a business necessity...

Business Owners and Directors,
HR Directors and Managers
Training Managers
Government Departments
Disability Organisations
People with Disabilities
Objectives-By attending this seminar, you will

Know, understand and manage the context of disability
Know, understand and apply relevant legislation
Manage talent with regards to the recruitment and retention of people with disabilities
Have the tools to apply the principles of reasonable accommodation
Craft the necessary human resource policies and procedures
Investment - R2 995.00 excl. VAT per person.

Price includes the seminar, all documentation, early morning refreshments and lunch.

For more information, please contact DWDE on 021 674 6139 or