An Exciting BusinessFit Initiative An interview with Grant Adlam


It’s long overdue. There isn’t a company we visit that doesn’t ask, “Where can we get our hands on a list of black owned businesses that are compliant with South African business legislation?”

Why is BusinessFit producing a publication?

We feel passionate about promoting a vibrant economic and business environment in KwaZulu-Natal. Most of the companies or organisations that we sit down with to assist in developing a roll-out plan to introduce best business practice going forward, have one thing in common. They need to develop their supply chain. Quite frankly there isn’t a comprehensive list of vetted compliant black owned companies that business can use to build their supply chain in KwaZulu-Natal.

Listing companies that tick all the boxes when it comes to compliancy is critical when calculating the important score for procurement on your Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) score card. Without going into great detail, if you know the new B-BBEE codes, it’s a no brainer.

As a registered Category A Enterprise Development Beneficiary, BusinessFit is in a brilliant position to coordinate and compile such a document that benefits all involved.

How do companies get involved with the initiative?

There are two distinct categories for levels of involvement. Those are the businesses looking to develop their supply chain and those who want to become part of the supply chain.

We assess the current situation in each business through our BusinessFit audit process. If your business wants to develop their supply chain, then the first step is for the BusinessFit team to sit down with senior management of that organisation and assess the organisation’s needs revolving around supply change management. Every organisation’s needs and solutions are unique. Then we work through a comprehensive audit report with the business owner and assist in developing a roll- cut plan to introduce best practice.

In addition, companies will now have a better understanding of which of their suppliers require assistance in becoming compliant. They will be in a position to assist in ensuring that their suppliers address the areas in which they have shortcomings. We provide the support structures necessary to achieve the outlined targets.

The crux of the matter is that by developing your supply chain through BusinessFit you can spend your own enterprise money with us to develop your own supply chain. It is a win-win situation for all involved.

If you are a 51% black owned company go on line and upload your company’s details. We will check your credentials. Remember a company can’t claim points on their B-BBEE score card if you are not compliant when they use your goods or services. If your company needs help in becoming compliant our team of experts will assist because compliance is critical in plugging into the bigger picture of the supply chain.

How does it work?

KwaZulu-Natal BusinessFit Directory will keep track of tax status, EME/QSE generic, value adding enterprise, black ownership, female black ownership and expiry dates on certificates. The many suppliers that do not have a B-BBEE certificate or that are not fully legislative or regulatory compliant will be assisted and encouraged to meet all necessary business requirements.

The BusinessFit Directory will feature three categories of enterprise listing: When will it be produced?

We are currently gathering data and verifying information. The directory will be published in the second half of 2016. It will be available on line and in print.

Who is BusinessFit?

BusinessFit consists of a team of experienced business owners whose passion is to grow and develop entrepreneurs and their businesses. We at BusinessFit are close to the core of business in KZN and South Africa. For that matter we have one of the most diverse teams of experts sitting on our forum who are able to pool their respective skills and knowledge. There isn’t a field in which we don’t have expertise. These include finance, tax, marketing, labour law, and human resources.

For more information contact:
Grant Adlam
T: +27 31 823 1445;