Dominic Collett - Chairman of the KwaZulu-Natal Business Chambers Council : New Year Resolutions!
Did you make 2017 New Year resolutions? Are you still on track in keeping them? Time for some new ones?
Already one month into 2017 and this year steaming ahead, I had the honour of attending my eldest son's academic award evening. Sitting in the audience with other proud parents I was astonished at the level of competence, selfmotivation and courage the young high school learners displayed in achieving their outstanding awards.
As part of the ceremony, the top achievers were asked to reflect on what had resulted in them excelling, and what advice they could give to others. Without fail, all of them highlighted the fact that they strived for a well balanced approach to life, sharing time with friends and family, spiritual guidance, having fun, and obviously working hard.
Taking the cue from these wonderful young adults, business has an opportunity to set a 2017 resolution of a balanced approach to their operations.
The KZN Economic Council, at the annual Economic Summit held recently, signed a resolution to work together as business, government, civil society and labour to meet the objectives and goals of the social accord.
The different chapters of the social accord offer a starting point for business to identify projects for 2017 that can make a difference to the success of our businesses and society as a whole.
The social accord chapters can be found at:
So the challenge for business for this year is to get involved with one of your local business chambers; contribute to a government programme that needs business input; support a local initiative that drives entrepreneurship or local economic development; or find a place where you feel your personal input or business could assist where others do not have the capacity.
So like the champion high school achievers, take 2017 on in a balanced approach. You may be surprised at how the bottom line grows with a balanced approach.
I wish all business a champion 2017!