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Manufacturing of High Quality Texturised Soya Products


Manufacturing of High Quality Texturised Soya Products
Brief Description
Being situated in South Africa's biggest soy producing area (KwaZulu-Natal) it is very obvious that the natural environment and climate and local human resources cant be successfully utilized. The production involves smaller farmers (in co-operation with the local farmer's Associations) in producing GMO and non-GMO grown soybeans for processing within an organized structure. 
 Seed will be made available to these farmers on an organized basis.  On harvesting of these crops, the soy will be purchased from them again by the processors (at approximately double the price per ton than that of maize, depending on SAFEX prices).  In order to secure a next crop, the farmers will receive coupons - to be exchanged for seed again next season. Both smaller and commercial farmers prefer planting soybeans to maize, therefore eliminating the theft factor.  Soy has also proven to be an excellent crop rotation alternative as it helps maintain nitrogen levels in the soil after being harvested.
The unique functional property of soy proteins to undergo transformation into meat-like texture by  thermoplastic extrusion has already been discussed.  This is the basis for the largest use of soy protein as a food ingredient.  Various types of textured soy protein are produced with different particle size, density, shape, color and added flavors.  At present, the hamburger used in the school lunch program in public schools in the United States incorporates 30 percent by weight of textured soy protein.  These products are also used as partial replacement of meat in soup mixes and for simulation of meat particles in dips, crackers and snacks.  The fine particles of texturised soy protein are used as meat conditioners in beef and pork patties where the effect is easy "release" from the patty making equipment.  The so-called meat analogs in themselves provide a source of relatively inexpensive protein with textural and flavor characteristics similar to those of meat.
South Africa is currently one of the very few countries that does have the ability to regulate the planting and use GMO (Genetically Manipulated Organisms)-seed.  This is the most influential contributing factor towards the exploration of the TVP export market, especially to Euro countries.  In addition, the recent infection of the agricultural system with "Mad Cow -" and "Foot-and-Mouth disease in several European countries, contributed extremely favorable to the opportunities re the export market for TVP.  This product would have the further advantage of being mechanically processed, and not by means of chemical extraction.
      The range of products envisioned are Soy Milk , Soy Flour , Tofu , Miso , Tempeh.
This ensures high control and high quality control in accordance with HACCP requirements.  This       will ensure that the project is sustainable and will expose our emerging farmers to export markets.
Full feasibility and business plan is available. The project has attracted interest with investors who  are willing to invest equity in the project. 
Project Opportunities
Investors required to form partnership with current project owner
Amajuba District Municipality
Newcastle Local Municipality
Detail of feasibility undertaken
Detailed business plan and feasibility has been developed.
Business Plan is currently being revised
R 55 million
Local Champions
Mr Henry Davies
Amajuba District Municipality
Newcastle Municipality
Amajuba District Municipality
Mark Durham - 034 329 7249
Newcastle Municipality
Anesh Thulasee 034 3287611
Henry Davies

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Manufacturing of High Quality Texturised Soya Products

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