4 Paws and a Tale Rescue are hosting a Golf Day at the Scottburgh Golf Club on Saturday 19 November 2016 to raise much-needed funds. Golfers are invited to join for a fun day out while supporting a great cause at the same time. The registered "pro life" NPO is responsible for rescuing and re-homing abandoned, abused and neglected animals in Scottburgh and the surrounding areas. They also feed, provide medical care and shelter for the strays and animals in the local townships and underprivileged areas.
"We would really like to encourage all local golfers to enter a 4 ball to help us to raise much-needed funds. For non-golfers, perhaps this could be the perfect early Christmas present – securing a spot for your loved ones that are avid golfers so that they can enjoy a round of golf with great prizes on offer. Our dogs and cats really need your support please," commented Nicky Koekemoer, Founder: 4 Paws and a Tale Rescue.
Koekemoer is at the frontline every day feeding and caring for animals in the townships before and after work, added, "we promise a really fun day out for everyone. It is our dream to have our own rescue centre where we can house abandoned and neglected animals. A dream that has been put on the back burner due to lack of funding. We need the support of the local community for the sake of the animals who know nothing but suffering.â€
The golf day will utilize a 4 Ball Alliance format which means that each team consists of four players - either 4 men or 4 women or a mixed team with 18 holes of golf to be played. Green Fees are R150.00 per player and golfers are encourages to book ASAP as there is only space for 30 teams.
Teams will tee off at 10.00am and the prize giving will be at 6.00pm with generous prizes on offer for the top 4 teams.
To book a place as a team please contact Linda Els on 039-9760041 at the Scottburgh Golf Club.
There is an opportunity for individuals or businesses to sponsor a hole on the day where one can advertise your business; for more information please call Nicky on 0846265508 and book your place at R500 per hole.
Those wishing to adopt a dog may view the current dogs up for adoption by visiting: http://www.4pawsandatalerescue.co.za and the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/4PawsAndATaleRescue
About 4 Paws and a Tale Rescue:
We are a registered NPO (121-404) and we rescue and re home abandoned, abused and neglected animals in the Scottburgh and surrounding areas. We also feed, provide medical care and shelter for the strays and animals in the local townships and underprivileged areas. We believe these animals deserve freedom from fear, abuse, hunger and thirst.
We focus our resources on helping the urgent cases in our community. We help where we can, we love and tickle and walk and feed and cry and laugh. We fight for the ones who have no voice. We give them hope, and a chance to live a happy and fulfilled life.
Our long term goal is to find a property where we can build a homely shelter to continue taking in needy animals. We hope to one day be able to take in EVERY needy animal, where they can live a fun and pawesome life...with a full tummy every day, a dry, comfy and cozy bed to sleep in, friends to play with, holes to dig, grass to roll in and clean resting areas. Where they will be loved, because of who they are, where they will be exercised, trained and rehabilitated. Where they will become who they were meant to be!
"Saving just one dog won't change the world, but surely it will change the world for that one dog"
Disseminated by:
Olivia Jones Communications
For more information please contact:
Olivia Jones Communications
Cell: 083 653 1720
Email: media@oliviajones.co.za