We've almost hit the halfway mark for 2017. The KZN Top Business Portfolio will be published and launched at the Standard Bank Top Business Awards powered by eLan Property Group 2017 @ the Wavehouse in Gateway next month. While there is a growing demand for eBooks the demand for the KZN Top Business Portfolio remains enormous and we generally sell out within a month every year.
If you would like your very own Portfolio -please place an order before the 30th of June and we’ll post you your copy after the launch.
This year we will be publishing a new publication called KZN Business Leaders’ Portfolio. The WHO’s WHO of KZN Business personalities.
So, what we’ll do is a combined launch promotion.
Normally the price is R350,00 for the Portfolio and R120.00 for the Leaders’ Portfolio. Pre-publication will be R220.00 and will include a complimentary copy of the KZN Business Leaders’ Portfolio.
here to order or email or speak to Tracy
031 823-1445
Kind regards
Grant Adlam