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KZN Business Leaders’ Portfolio - Pre-publication offer.


We've almost hit the halfway mark for 2017. The  KZN Top Business Portfolio will be published and launched at the Standard Bank Top Business Awards powered by eLan Property Group 2017 @ the Wavehouse in Gateway next month.  While  there is a  growing demand for eBooks the demand for the KZN Top Business Portfolio  remains enormous and we generally sell out within a month every year.
If you would like your very own Portfolio -please place an order before the 30th of June and we’ll post you your copy after the launch.
This year we will be publishing a new publication called KZN Business Leaders’ Portfolio. The WHO’s WHO of KZN Business personalities.
So, what we’ll do is a combined launch promotion.
Normally the price is R350,00 for the Portfolio and R120.00 for the Leaders’ Portfolio. Pre-publication will be R220.00 and will include a  complimentary copy of the KZN Business Leaders’ Portfolio.
Click here to order or email or speak to Tracy 
031 823-1445
Kind regards
Grant Adlam

KZN Business Leaders’ Portfolio - Pre-publication offer.

Copyright © 2025 KwaZulu-Natal Top Business

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